Looking for a job is always a difficult task, especially if we are beginners, for this reason, it is important to have a good resume. It is the first impression we give of ourselves, even before having a real interaction during the first job interview. This article will help you write the perfect resume!
How to write the best resume ever!
The curriculum vitae, or simply curriculum, must reflect - both in the presentation graphics and in its contents - your character and must explain, in a maximum of two pages, the professional objective and the results achieved.
To attract the attention of the selector, it is important that the content of the resume is written carefully: clarity of exposition, ability to summarize, and fluency must be the characteristics of the text you are about to write; also you can adapt your job experience to the job description of the job offer you’re most interested in, but we’ll discuss it better later.
You will have to include: personal data (name, surname, address, telephone number, place of birth, marital status), professional experiences (current and previous employment), educational experiences (studies completed in decreasing chronological order), knowledge of foreign languages (it is advisable to indicate the level of mastery in relation to text comprehension, conversation, translation), computer knowledge (programming languages, ability to use the main software packages, etc.), extra-professional interests (cultural activities, hobbies...), and you skills.
To know more about the best way to write the perfect resume, here you can find an interesting article: https://zety.com/blog/how-to-write-a-cv
How to talk about work experiences
It is very important to use a clear and simple job description because it is precisely the one that will be of greatest interest to the company that will consider your resume. The job experience must be detailed, however, because from this will also emerge the skills that you have and that could be what the company is looking for.
The first step is therefore to understand what type of jobs you want to apply for and orient your resume accordingly. For each job experience, you will have to indicate: the company role you held, the period of time during which you worked for a specific company, the name of the company and, if you want, you can also add the sector, the description of your duties and the skills you have learned.
Each job experience should be entered trying, within the limits of synthesis, to make a short list that includes the activities carried out, the results obtained, and the projects in which one took part. You have to consider every job experience when searching for a job, because they need to be similar to the job you’re applying for, if you need help also when searching for a new job, here is an article that can help you: https://alphasolutions.pw/what-are-common-mistakes-when-searching-for-a-job/
It's time to apply!
Now that you have your resume and you understand how to look for a job, we can move on to what really interests us: how to send your request and above all how to use each job description to your advantage. The job description is the description of a role sought by a company for which a figure is required to fill that role, a figure who must have certain skills and specific job experience is almost always reported in every job offer.
The job description can help you not only understand if you are suitable for that role, but can play in your favor when you send your resume to the company. Before you even send your resume, you can modify it based on the jobs you are applying for.
Obviously, you should not lie, adding job experience that you do not have just to get hired, it is simply a matter of changing some terms or adding skills required by the company, that you have and that you had not thought of adding.
For example: if in your resume you have stated that you are a great worker, you could change it with adjectives reported by the company in the job offer, such as "motivated"; or again, if among your experiences there is a job experience different from the one requested by the company, but that required the same skills required by this job, you could include it in the job description of your resume and describe the skills precisely. If you need more details, we recommend this article: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/resumes-cover-letters/tailoring-resume
How to differentiate yourself from other candidates
It is not only the history of your job experience and your skills that are the most important things for a company, but also how you are as a person, and your personality. Clearly, there is no dedicated section in the resume, the closest thing you can put in the resume are precisely the skills, but together with the resume you can attach a cover letter where you can talk about your life, obviously without going into detail so as not to bore the reader, and about your character.
Often people avoid writing a cover letter, but it can help you differentiate yourself from other candidates. Many companies, within a job offer, also report in the job description the type of person they are looking for and, through the cover letter, you can again use the job description to your advantage to have a greater chance of being hired by the company.
Your job experience and skills will also be requested during the interview when you will have to make even more use of the job description to demonstrate to the interviewer that you are perfect for that particular job and role. Therefore, study the company's history, objectives, and job description carefully, so as to demonstrate that you are well prepared and perfect for them.
Remember to describe your previous job experience well and make sure that it is compliant with the company's job description. If you are hired for a trial period, show the company all your skills and competencies at all times and in the best possible way.
Alpha Solutions
Alpha Solutions is a Human Resources Agency that can help agencies find the best employees for freelancers for every necessity. Alpha Solutions also offers other services, such as customer service, content writing, translations, administrative assistance, and many more! The you team is very prepared to assist you in every aspect, from the very start of your agency!
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